The moves led to sharp falls in money market interest rates, which determine short-term borrowing costs for companies and banks. 中国央行的政策已导致货币市场利率大幅下降,这些利率决定着企业和银行的短期借款成本。
But the rally has been largely fueled by individual retail investors, who have been piling into the market and increasingly resorting to margin financing, or short-term borrowing, to purchase shares& meaning that the bull market run could unravel in equally rapid fashion. 但这次股市大回暖基本是个体散户带动的,他们大举入市,很多人还借助非主流融资手段或短期贷款炒股。这意味着本次牛市很可能会同样突然地瓦解。
Short-term liquidity and interbank borrowing rates were about twice as high as their pre-crunch levels. 短期流动性利率和银行间拆借利率大致比钱荒前水平高出一倍。
Short-term fluctuations could be smoothed out by borrowing and saving. 短期的波动可以通过借贷和储蓄平滑掉。
Again appealing to my work with MS Reinhart, both theory and history tells us that any economy that is excessively leveraged with short-term borrowing be it government, banking, corporate or consumer is highly vulnerable to crises of confidence. 再次回到我和莱因哈特合著的书:理论和历史均告诉我们,任何一个通过短期借款过度举债的经济体无论是政府、银行业、企业,还是消费者都极易受信心危机的影响。
These will give it potentially unlimited monetary firepower to bring down short-term borrowing costs, so long as the nations sign up to a deficit-reduction programme imposed from the outside. 这些举措将使欧元区获得潜在意义上的无限货币火力、以压低短期融资成本&只要相关成员国能签署一份外部强加的赤字削减计划。
And some banks need to reduce further their reliance on short-term borrowing. 一些银行需要进一步减少它们对短期借贷的依赖性。
The double taxation of corporate profits has rendered debt tax-efficient; deposit guarantees have subsidised borrowing from retail customers; central bank liquidity has made short-term wholesale borrowing artificially cheap. 对企业利润的双重征税使债务具有节税性;存款担保对来自零售客户的借款提供补贴;央行流动性人为压低了短期批发借款成本。
If a significant portion of an institution's assets are impaired and illiquid, and its funding is reliant on short-term borrowing, low leverage will not be much comfort. 如果一家机构的资产有很大一部分受损或缺乏流动性,其融资依赖于短期借贷,那么低杠杆比率不会有很大帮助。
There has been no recent need for long-term or short-term borrowing. 最短的合资格署任期最近无需长期或短期的贷款。
US money market funds are stockpiling cash in case Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, distorting the short-term market for US government debt and raising borrowing costs for banks and other financial institutions. 为了应对美国国会未能提高债务上限的情况,美国的货币市场基金正在大量筹集现金。这扭曲了美国政府债务的短期市场表现,提高了银行和其他金融机构的举债成本。
Shattered banking systems have been rebuilt, balance sheets repaired and excess capacity trimmed, while bulging currency reserves have replaced ruinous reliance on short-term foreign borrowing. 在危机中遭到严重破坏的银行体系已得到重建,资产负债状况得到改善,过剩产能被削减。同时,外汇储备急剧上升的局面,取代了对短期外国借款的依赖&这种依赖是毁灭性的。
By endeavouring to reduce both short-term and long-term rates, the Fed has helped flatten the yield curve, restricting banks 'ability to make money by borrowing short-term – such as by taking deposits from individuals – and lending long. 美联储努力同时降低短期和长期利率,从而拉平了收益率曲线,限制了银行借短(例如从个人手中吸收存款)贷长的能力。
It should combine renewed short-term stimulus ( in forms that subsidise jobs) with measures to reduce borrowing ( revenue increases and entitlement reforms) in the longer term. 它应该一面再次出台短期刺激计划(采用资助就业的形式),一面采取措施在较长期内削减债务(增加财政收入和实施福利改革)。
Restrictions on these funds 'short-term lending distort the cost of borrowing and have a knock-on effect for banks, among others, which rely on short-term transactions in the repo market. 此类基金的短期放贷受到限制,这扭曲了举债成本,对依赖回购市场进行短期融资的银行等机构造成了连带影响。
Why should large systemically critical financial institutions be allowed to heavily leverage themselves with short-term borrowing? 为何具有系统重要性的大型金融机构就有资格通过短期借款大肆提高自身的杠杆比率?
In the meantime, common sense dictates the need for stricter controls on short-term borrowing by systemically important institutions, as well as regularly monitored limits on oversized risk positions, taking into account that markets can be highly correlated in a downturn. 此外,常识告诉我们,必须对具有系统重要性机构的短期借款施加更严格的控制;考虑到各市场在衰退期高度相关,还需对过大的风险头寸的限制措施实施定期监控。
Therefore, most secured short-term business borrowing involves the use of accounts receivable and inventories as collateral. 因此,大多数有担保的短期工商业贷款将盘存和应收账款作为抵押品。
Both made the fatal mistake of relying on short-term borrowing to fund their rapidly expanding and increasingly risky loan books. 这些企业都犯了致命错误,即依赖短期借款为他们快速扩张和风险越来越大的贷款账目提供资金。
As a result, they attempted to hoard cash in any way they could: they slashed order books, ran down inventories at an unprecedented pace and cut short-term borrowing. 因此,它们试图以各种可能的方式囤积现金:减少订单,以空前速度减少库存,减少短期借款。
You should note, however, that bad credit cash advance services are short-term borrowing. 你应该看到,不良信贷服务现金提前短期借款。
Short-term foreign borrowing can exclusively be used for current capital turnover, not be used for investment projects with fixed assets. 短期对外借款只能用于流动资金周转,不得用于固定资产投资项目。
But it seems one of the biggest threats to stability is coming from the age-old risk of short-term borrowing to fund investments in illiquid long-term products. 但对稳定性的最大威胁之一,似乎来自一个存在已久的风险:通过短期借贷为投资于缺乏流动性的长期产品筹资。
On the basis of dual agency analysis, it shows that short-term debt induces the government to adopt a more investor-friendly policy, which ensures the recovering of loans and improves the welfare of the borrowing company and its country. 但基于双重代理的分析,短期负债会使政府采取对投资者更为有利的政策,这在确保贷款方回收贷款的同时,也提高了借款企业以及借款国的福利水平。
The results show that the listed companies prefer endogenous financing, and in the external financing the listed companies are more preferred equity financing, followed by the issuance of bonds, again for short-term borrowing, the last for the long-term borrowing. 结果表明,上市公司偏好内源融资,在外源融资中更偏好股权融资,其次为发行债券,再次为短期借款,最后为长期借款。
The study found that effect of endogenous financing and short-term borrowing on governance performance is first increase and then decreased. 研究发现,内源融资、短期借款对治理绩效的影响是一个先上升后下降的过程。
Short-term borrowing is the main section of bank loan. 在银行借款中,主要是短期借款,长期借款比例很小。
Because of the restrictions of college students 'conditions, the difficulties of financing using traditional methods are larger, therefore this article focuses the tax plan on the loans to the non-financial institutions credit, leasing, commercial tax planning, short-term borrowing and other financing methods. 大创企业由于其自身条件的限制,利用传统融资方式筹资的困难较大,因此本文重点介绍了向非金融机构借款、商业信用、租赁、短期借款等筹资方式的税收筹划要点。